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Il simbolo della Mascotte di Moto Perpetuo - Udo Qigong

Moto Perpetuo - Udo Qigong

Via del rivo 13 - Trieste 


Una delle varie posizioni di Qigong
  • Taijiwuxigong - Qigong for the Spontaneous Movement

  • YiJinJing - Qigong for muscles and tendons

  • WuQinXi Daoyin -  5 animals Qigong
  • Emei Daoyin - Qigong for the energetic meridians

  • JinLong Daoyin - Golden Dragoon Qigong

  • Pu Xiao Qigong - Qigong for bones and marrow


The Qigong path I offer to you  is a process that the first step starts with the personal inner transformation (to change emotions, to manage the struggle with bad feelings such anger, fear, anxiety, and so on), then the focus will be at the external transformation (a flexible body and a correct posture) and finally to create the armony between the inner side and the outer side of ourselves. This achievement of a new general armony will be a tool to develop further on spiritual level. During every lesson I give and explain all the necessary tools to do your Qigong in a complete autonomuos and safe way.



How looks like a standard Qigong lesson given by me ?

Usually lessons are divided in three parts, the first one we do exercises to open all body joints, the second one is focused on the armonization of the breathing, then in the third part we do Qigong exercises (Daoyin).

This third part could be very different lesson to lesson, because I choose which Daoyin to do on the basis of energy level of the partecipants, as well as their phisical status, i.e. If somebody claims a back pain I decide to exercises that give relief to the back pain, and so on.

What is Qigong ?

A magnificent tool!  A magnificent tool that enable us to regain our happiness, our health and sense of an accomplished life.

But, beside to be a magnificent tool, Qigong is also an ancient Chinese Practice for Long Life, that since the mid '80 of last century has spread out rapidly here in Italy.

Original Qigong is from China, and the most ancient written document about Qigong is from the Han Dinasty period (206 B.C. - 24 A.D.) and is known as DAOYIN TU (Map of the Daoyin) that could compared to an actual book of exercices to keep our fitness. So, on that time nobody was talking about Qigong, but just Daoyin.

In the millenary history of China a lot of Schools of Martial Arts or Meditation Traditions have developed their own energetic  exercixes and training methods that nowadays we refer to them as Qigong. The most known of these schools or traditions are the Shaolin Temple or Wudan Temple.

Between 1950 and 1960 the Chinese Govenment (Mao era) dediced to give a new life to this ancient knowledge because very effective both in terms of health for the people, but also as propaganda for national pride. There was just a tiny problem for the communist government of that time, i.e. how to present this ancient practice in a neutral way, not linked to the past they have just wiped out with the Cultural Revolution, so a new name was born!



A new name for a millenary knowledge.

With the birth of the "revolutionary" new name Qigong bloomed as cherry flowers countless ​Schools of Qigong, many of them managed by Party Members, but different branches of Qigong appeared too, such as Medical Qigong (by chance, the most widespead of all of them nowadays) Martial Qigong, Esoteric Qigong, etc. etc. This period is also known as : Qigong fewer

​In my beautiful town, Trieste, we use to say : there is no a bad thing that is a good thing too.

So this Qigong fewer reached Italy, and enabled me, as well as many hundred of thousand of people , to enjoy the benefits of this magnificent art.

As final information about the Qigong, I would like to speak about one of the most important aspects of my training , something tha even the Cultural Revolution has not been able to cancel: the FORCE, an inner strength created by the sinergy of breath, body and mind. So this force is the the actual tool, is a Qi's manifestation that can be used for health, martial or spiritual purposes.


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