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Il simbolo della Mascotte di Moto Perpetuo - Udo Qigong

Moto Perpetuo - Udo Qigong

Via del rivo 13 - Trieste 


Sereni come il Buddha dormiente
A monk asked Chao-Chou

“I am just a new comer, please give me some advice .
Chao-Chou replied : “Did you ate the rice soup?
The monk said: “Yes, I did”.
and Chao-Chou:
“Well, let's wash your bowl”. 

- Zen anectode

Sometimes meditation is considered as a practice only for ascetics, or opposie such a New Age cure-all in onpesso la meditazione viene considerata una pratica riservata solo agli asceti, oppure al lato opposto, come un toccasana New Age per qualsiae for every kind of deseases and stress both mental and phisical. In fact meditation is a very useful tool for the development of ourselves  in all respects, strating from very early age to 99 years, and over. Moreover is not necessary to change our beliefs or religion, neither to adhere to some secret sect.

In the meditation path you will learn how to get a correct posture, in a phisical way but also in a mental way, so to release all the the body tensions and disturbing thoughts

The target is : to find the Center of the Mind

To abandon the 1000 thoughts and to be focused on the Center of the Mind, this is the very essence of meditation as I teach it; in full respect of my lineage of Tibetan Buddhist Meditation (Lama Fahai, Lama Fore) and Taoist Meditation (Dr. Shen Hongxun - Longmen Pai). Aside the Tradition, there is one more important and private aspect of meditatoin, i.e. to find our inner Guru.

Silently sitted, still and quiet, we will initiate a journey made of new experiences. Through our regulated breathing we will remove all our bad emotions, and body tensions. Our inner energy network (Chakra/Dantian and energy vessels) will be activeted by chanting special Mantras, or using hand postures Mudras, and some visualizations to connect ourselves with the Heaven.

In this very state to abandon the 1000 thoughts will be a very easy task.

Finally, the meditation path is not, and it want not to be an alternative to someone else religion or belief, neither to be a substituite to them, but rather, a merger point of various beliefs. In fact, names change in the religions around the world, but the tecniques, the concepts and the final targets are the same for all of them :

to find the divine that is within us.


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